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IRC log for #virtualJUG, 2015-04-01

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:47 edburns joined #virtualJUG
06:25 mpahic joined #virtualJUG
06:30 millrossjez joined #virtualJUG
06:31 qqtexy joined #virtualJUG
06:56 mmatloka joined #virtualJUG
07:31 arif joined #virtualJUG
07:40 ramssaha joined #virtualJUG
07:50 fdcc joined #virtualJUG
08:20 arif hi
11:10 _ollie1 joined #virtualJUG
11:33 SOZIB joined #virtualJUG
12:34 millrossjez joined #virtualJUG
13:19 _ollie joined #virtualJUG
14:22 millrossjez joined #virtualJUG
15:05 mathieu joined #virtualJUG
15:05 mathieu hi
15:06 mbi joined #virtualJUG
15:28 koffiemoc joined #virtualJUG
15:28 Darshan joined #virtualJUG
15:30 DogLover joined #virtualJUG
15:30 DogLover left #virtualJUG
15:32 JavEEisNew2Mee joined #virtualJUG
15:34 lundvall joined #virtualJUG
15:36 Sumit joined #virtualJUG
15:41 debdeb joined #virtualJUG
15:42 HarmeetSingh joined #virtualJUG
15:44 LarsHermes joined #virtualJUG
15:46 JPF joined #virtualJUG
15:46 JPF jpfayolle
15:47 LukasE joined #virtualJUG
15:51 sjmaple hey everyone
15:51 Max5599 joined #virtualJUG
15:51 shelajev joined #virtualJUG
15:51 agile_geek joined #virtualJUG
15:51 HarmeetSingh Hello simon
15:52 sjmaple Hey HarmeetSingh, good to see you here!
15:52 HarmeetSingh me too
15:52 HarmeetSingh last some session i was mission, because of time zone
15:52 HarmeetSingh :P
15:53 shelajev joined #virtualJUG
15:54 shelajev hello people :)
15:54 sparko joined #virtualJUG
15:55 dikalikatao joined #virtualJUG
15:55 flurdy joined #virtualJUG
15:56 Lorenzo joined #virtualJUG
15:56 Lorenzo left #virtualJUG
15:56 asraful joined #virtualJUG
15:57 LarsHermes joined #virtualJUG
15:57 TronsoT joined #virtualJUG
15:58 calanais joined #virtualJUG
15:58 JPF joined #virtualJUG
15:58 javajon joined #virtualJUG
15:59 Matthew joined #virtualJUG
15:59 halfmanhalfgeek joined #virtualJUG
15:59 Matthew left #virtualJUG
15:59 Lzbair joined #virtualJUG
16:00 silentmatt joined #virtualJUG
16:00 tmf joined #virtualJUG
16:00 Rabea joined #virtualJUG
16:00 HarmeetSingh when the session start ?
16:00 Nate joined #virtualJUG
16:00 sjmaple just about to start
16:00 LarsHermes joined #virtualJUG
16:01 carljokl joined #virtualJUG
16:01 RobertoSanchezHe joined #virtualJUG
16:01 HarmeetSingh waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting
16:01 Rohit joined #virtualJUG
16:01 HarmeetSingh :D
16:01 asraful Waiting
16:02 Abhijith joined #virtualJUG
16:02 cafrjbr joined #virtualJUG
16:03 krzyzol joined #virtualJUG
16:03 NateO joined #virtualJUG
16:03 sjmaple live now, so pls refresh if you can't se
16:03 sjmaple e
16:03 akrasikov joined #virtualJUG
16:04 simundi joined #virtualJUG
16:04 jyeary joined #virtualJUG
16:04 shelajev <- Markus
16:05 LarsHermes left #virtualJUG
16:05 jyeary Markus rocks. I am still trying to get my blog cleaned up. ;-)
16:05 LarsHermes joined #virtualJUG
16:06 shelajev <- Java performance survey, please take 3 minutes to fill it. And share with other people
16:06 shelajev it's a good cause
16:07 Abhijith joined #virtualJUG
16:07 HarmeetSingh @simon, fish pond at your back is really beautifull
16:07 sjmaple yeh, got a bunch of cool tropical fish in there, my boy loves them :)
16:08 pm771 joined #virtualJUG
16:08 sjmaple as usual, questions straight in here please :D
16:09 sjmaple jyeary: I'll expecting some really great ones from you ;)
16:09 sajol joined #virtualJUG
16:10 rgra joined #virtualJUG
16:10 Rabea left #virtualJUG
16:10 mstahv joined #virtualJUG
16:12 jyeary 2.5mLOC makes for a fun time.
16:12 Abhijith Leave aside Websphere, one of the applications I had worked on was running in Jboss 4.1.2 and always took more than 40 minutes to start
16:12 ps joined #virtualJUG
16:12 Sohail joined #virtualJUG
16:13 ps left #virtualJUG
16:13 jyeary An application I deployed using SAP Netweaver  a couple of years ago that took a couple of hours. It sucked.
16:14 sjmaple yeh, it's all about the application when you talk about those kinds of times
16:14 jyeary UAT --> we accept it when WE accept it.
16:14 Suresh joined #virtualJUG
16:14 david6 joined #virtualJUG
16:14 kumaran joined #virtualJUG
16:14 kumaran Hi guys, good evening !
16:14 jyeary Even if we put into production before we accept it.
16:14 koffiemoc Should we drop the term "application" and just talk about components, or services nowadays?
16:15 sjmaple are we ready to drop the term application? :)
16:15 kumaran How can i join the hangout ?
16:15 jyeary That sounds like a MS or Sun- ism
16:15 jyeary The network is the computer.
16:15 jyeary DCOM... sound familar.
16:15 sjmaple kumaran: good evening!
16:16 sjmaple hit play when you get there
16:16 kumaran i am playing them
16:16 faisal joined #virtualJUG
16:16 sjmaple you see video?
16:16 javaeenu2mee joined #virtualJUG
16:16 kumaran Yeah But, y not the hangout directly ?
16:16 jyeary I like the idea of components, or services, but practically it has always failed.
16:16 sjmaple google hangouts only allows 10 people to join at any one time
16:17 kumaran OK got it !
16:17 kumaran :)
16:17 sajol joined #virtualJUG
16:18 jyeary See Jini --> Apache River foe services
16:18 javaeenu2mee joined #virtualJUG
16:18 jyeary for services
16:18 javaeenu2mee left #virtualJUG
16:18 jyeary Hmmm.... what IDE could that be?
16:18 sjmaple :D
16:19 jyeary Use NetBeans... it will make you happy.
16:19 jyeary *drool bubble forming*
16:19 asraful :D
16:19 HarmeetSingh but ESB itsel have one major limitation is that, if ESB fail, all application down
16:20 Israq joined #virtualJUG
16:20 rgra1 joined #virtualJUG
16:20 Abhijith It seems Markus is strongly against IBM products mentioned Websphere, RAD :P ;)
16:21 sjmaple hehe, to be fair I mentioned RAD, he was thinking JDeveloper ;)
16:21 jyeary Same vein... both are bloat-ware
16:21 rgra1 Tomorrow is the day we will shutdown our last Websphere App Server and uninstall RAD. Yeah :)
16:21 sajol :-)
16:22 jyeary No wonder it bounces me on my PS3 frequently.
16:22 Abhijith @rgra, Are you serious or making fool of us on Fool's day?
16:23 sjmaple rgra1: what are you migrating to?
16:23 ahamdi joined #virtualJUG
16:23 sjmaple WebLogic? :)
16:24 rgra1 No it's true. New App is live and if everything turns out well Websphere will be gone :)
16:24 Abhijith MArkus is speaking so it must be Jboss EAP :)
16:24 rgra1 New App is Eclipse RCP based. WebApp was the wrong choice for the project
16:25 sjmaple interesting
16:25 jyeary Is this a Peter Deutsch 8 fallacies point?
16:25 HarmeetSingh @rgra1 waht problem you face in webapps ?
16:25 HarmeetSingh *what
16:26 rgra1 Multi Monitor support and key bindings
16:26 jyeary The talk about designing for failures
16:26 huhuhihihaha joined #virtualJUG
16:27 jbarop joined #virtualJUG
16:27 HarmeetSingh now the webframeworks are so mature, i think these things  are supported    or not ?
16:27 huhuhihihaha left #virtualJUG
16:27 Aymen joined #virtualJUG
16:29 sjmaple Markus mentioned his blog, if you wanted to read/follow it, it's here -
16:29 jyeary Yup... JAX-RS is a great solution. This is a  wonder for scaling horizontally.
16:30 rgra1 Remember JCache when it comes to caching :)
16:30 jyeary I have been doing this for a long time.
16:30 roxolid joined #virtualJUG
16:30 jyeary That looks like my architecture - JCache from 4 years ago.
16:31 koffiemoc joined #virtualJUG
16:31 jyeary I was playing around with DreamFactory on  WildFly on openshift to create microservices.
16:32 lzbair joined #virtualJUG
16:32 asraful joined #virtualJUG
16:32 rgra1 @Harmeet there's other reasons for not using EE which are out of scope. To sum up I don't think that Desktop Apps are dead and I don't try to solve everything with web applications
16:33 HarmeetSingh ok @rgra1
16:33 asraful strong point to address @raga1
16:33 jyeary No. Desktop apps are still good.
16:33 asraful agreed
16:33 asraful yes it is
16:35 jyeary The old Java OS would make for a good solution. I remember playing with it on bare metal, aloing with Java chips.
16:35 sjmaple I'm curious as to how well Markus thinks OSGi is a good fir here
16:35 jyeary Too bad ... it died with Oracle in the labs.
16:35 lzbair joined #virtualJUG
16:36 jyeary OSGi? Really Simon?
16:36 jyeary hmmm
16:36 sjmaple :D
16:36 shelajev really, if you draw a large square around these blue boxes you get OSGi
16:36 HarmeetSingh now the days, Reactive Programming concept is really mature, how the   much Java EE have support of reactivity?
16:36 jyeary April Fools?
16:36 sjmaple it's service based, modular, lightweight, why not? :)
16:36 sjmaple haha
16:37 jyeary K. I buy it.
16:37 jyeary reactive UI?
16:38 jyeary Like Foundation?
16:38 HarmeetSingh reactive programming?
16:38 HarmeetSingh now most of the framework are based on reactive programming
16:38 jyeary feedback is a gift...
16:39 sjmaple any questions for Markus at this point?
16:40 farid joined #virtualJUG
16:40 HarmeetSingh How  to make Java EE architecture as reactive ?
16:40 jyeary looks like the old parallel and serial layouts  in my basic electricity course.
16:40 koffiemoc Isn't a services-chain very vulnerable for failures in one of the beads?
16:41 jyeary Yup
16:41 jyeary SPOC
16:41 asraful service chain may ..tough to maintain in long time and evolve will be tough
16:41 asraful ?
16:42 craigsdennis joined #virtualJUG
16:42 jyeary Seems like the ESB in another form.
16:42 koffiemoc It's a lot easier for me to imagine a way to deal with a service failure if only the client governs the service calls
16:42 mselender joined #virtualJUG
16:42 jyeary Agreed koffiemoc
16:43 jyeary Here we go
16:44 jyeary
16:45 lzbair joined #virtualJUG
16:45 Blackorzar_ joined #virtualJUG
16:45 koffiemoc Don't forget a translation map between the different bounded contexts.
16:46 koffiemoc Otherwise it would be hard for the microservices to communicate and cooperate
16:46 jyeary I think Java EE is a great solution. If your services are designed correctly, you can substitute as needed with other platforms.
16:47 HarmeetSingh i never worked on Java EE, but today i take a kick for undertand about Java EE application architecture.
16:47 jyeary Yes translations boundaries are a slowdown
16:47 asraful down to the road , single responsibility the target ??
16:49 jyeary I like to make my services respond with a number of different translations. JSON, XML, HTML,  and Y(A)ML
16:49 jyeary to make it simpler.
16:50 koffiemoc What's the URL for the slides?
16:50 debdeb joined #virtualJUG
16:50 sjmaple I'll make them available on the vJUG site
16:50 koffiemoc OK, thanks!
16:51 jyeary I attempted to behead the UI from the application to  start.
16:51 jyeary This forces the team to think of services immediately.
16:52 jyeary JSF -> JAX-RS Client -> JAX-RS -> XXX
16:53 asraful JSF opps ..
16:53 HarmeetSingh joined #virtualJUG
16:54 jyeary JSF has a well defined state and lifecycle.
16:55 david6 left #virtualJUG
16:55 jyeary Once you behead the application, you can use anything for your UI.
16:55 sjmaple any final questions from IRC? :)
16:56 asraful thats what needed
16:56 HarmeetSingh Thanks to @Markus
16:56 asraful recently worked for a bank  application is bleeding with IE dependency ... old days JSF ..legacy js .. :(
16:57 pm771 Though it's way above my head - thank you very much for the introduction
16:57 HarmeetSingh Java EE have non blocking architecture ?
16:57 jyeary Nice... Simon.. you like OSGi. I was wondering when you would ask.
16:58 jyeary I figured that would be his reponse.
16:58 sjmaple I must admit I do quite like it :)
16:58 jyeary response...
16:58 jyeary Being moderator has it's advantages.
16:58 jyeary :-)
16:59 sjmaple hehe :D
17:00 jyeary Java EE MS ---> to PERL utility
17:00 jyeary hehehe
17:00 asraful :D
17:00 jyeary Thanks Markus.
17:01 sjmaple I like it's clear cut and neat but understand the pain
17:01 sjmaple thanks for watching!
17:01 jyeary Thanks Simon et. al.
17:01 asraful thanks all
17:01 HarmeetSingh thanks @simon and all
17:01 koffiemoc Thanks Markus, Simon, jyeary
17:01 ahamdi left #virtualJUG
17:01 rgra1 left #virtualJUG
17:01 shelajev Thanks, Markus! It's been a great session!
17:05 lzbair joined #virtualJUG
17:07 bazlur joined #virtualJUG
17:17 ecabrerar joined #virtualJUG
17:19 Intekahab joined #virtualJUG
17:29 millross_ joined #virtualJUG
17:30 flurdy joined #virtualJUG
17:38 Raufur joined #virtualJUG
17:39 jrdalpra joined #virtualJUG
17:50 Bikash joined #virtualJUG
18:03 prinstonsam joined #virtualJUG
18:09 D-Spair joined #virtualJUG
18:43 Darshan joined #virtualJUG
20:07 _ollie1 joined #virtualJUG
20:30 millrossjez joined #virtualJUG
20:45 mmatloka joined #virtualJUG
21:59 millrossjez joined #virtualJUG
23:48 pm771 joined #virtualJUG

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