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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2018-11-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:17 pdurbin Right, the Lisp example that person was pointed to combines the lexer and parser into one.
12:39 prologic pdurbin a lot of lisp-ish languages do that
12:39 prologic yeah
14:06 prologic I'm actually reading this book:
14:16 pdurbin Interesting. Does it recommend a separate lexer and parser?
14:31 prologic recommend is a strong word
14:31 prologic it really depends on your language :)
14:56 pdurbin oh
14:57 pdurbin The language you're parsing, I assume. Not the language you're using to write the lexer/parser.
22:14 prologic giyes :D
22:14 prologic also the language you implement your lanugage in is called the Host language :)
22:23 pdurbin sure, like how the host languages for Clojure are Java and Javascript

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