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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2018-05-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:59 prologic anyone around?
03:00 prologic anyone interested in discussing pub/sub designs? specifically as a rest/websocket service
03:00 prologic
03:00 prologic I need to (eventually; but could do it now) solve for the case of "queue depth" and "leaking queues"
03:01 prologic meaning that right now; as long as there are no *explicit* clients using the GET /<topic> API; queues for <topic> will grow unbounded
03:01 prologic as messages are delivered to topics; they are first published to all subscribers (if any) and enqueued in per-topic queues
03:02 prologic without some kind of "ack" from subscribers there is no way to delete already processed items from the queue
03:02 prologic assuming that should be the design at all
03:02 prologic 1) ack messages from subscribers
03:03 prologic 2) messages have ttls (per topic configured) with garbage collection
03:03 prologic 3) explicit deletion of old items in queue
14:13 bear joined #sourcefu
14:27 dotplus_ if the system has "exactly once" or "at least once" semantics, you have to accept that (1) ack-from-subscriber) is the only possibility and deal with the possibility of unbounded queue-growth elsewhere in the overall architecture. If you can accept that some messages will not be delivered (either because they don't matter or because they will be retried), then you can accept a ttl/gc approach.
15:30 prologic dotplus_ that's precisely what I'm tossing up between
15:30 prologic so far for my use-case this is working pretty nicely
15:30 prologic a) as a generic webhook (using it to receive docker hub notifications)
15:31 prologic and b) as an aggregator of prometheus alerts which you can then do interesting things with (for now I just alert on irc)
15:31 prologic and 3rd and upcoming use-case is actually going to be the queue for a "job scheduler"
15:45 prologic I could actually support both options Via configuration
15:45 prologic But of course that would be mutually exclusive I think
15:46 prologic Or maybe not come to think of it
15:47 prologic A —enable-ttl option
17:47 bear this isn't always a popular opinion... but I find anything that is a "Job" system ends up abusing queue systems to make things work
17:48 bear IMO it's a more robust design to have the job scheduler be a user of the queue but ensure that you don't try to use the queue to maintain state
17:48 bear maintain state of the *job* that is
17:48 bear use the queue all you want to deliver tasks and jobs to who ever is listening, but then use a data store for state
17:49 bear (yes, being explicit and maybe a bit judgy, but a *lot* of job systems I see in the wild make this mistake
17:49 bear )
18:36 codex joined #sourcefu
19:54 prologic I agree
19:54 prologic What do you think about what I said above though in terms of design choices?
19:59 prologic bear: And what do you mean by storing state in a queue system? I haven’t seen too many examples of abuse and curious like that myself
20:05 bear I'm liking what you had above
20:05 bear the biggest I have with storing state is either the consumer or the producer of a message being able to *know* what the message state is from it's view of the queue
20:06 bear reality and that rarely agree - consumers of a queue may hold a message but be unaware that it's ttl died and it was requeued, producer of a message may be unaware that a message was dropped or handled but the ack was dropped
20:06 bear especially when people think they can apply CAP to message queues
20:16 prologic Right
20:17 prologic In that case I think I’ll support both
20:17 prologic Configurable TTLs with auto GC
20:17 prologic API to purge queues
20:18 prologic Which are themselves like an explicit ack
20:18 prologic Make sense ?
20:24 bear that makes sense to have for queue management - yes
20:24 bear then it allows your queue consumer/producers to establish the behaviour they want
20:25 bear one thing I've wanted a queue environment to have is a callback/notice to happen when a TTL hits - so that both sides get an event that something has changed

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