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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2015-06-22

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
08:17 philbot joined #sourcefu
08:17 Topic for #sourcefu is now | logs at
09:05 prologic what else do you have on
10:24 pdurbin prologic: nothing
11:26 prologic oh :)
12:37 pdurbin maybe could use an "about" page :)
13:06 prologic perhaps
13:06 prologic well up to you what you wanna do I guess
13:06 prologic since vallinux is on hold a bit
13:06 prologic so hard to work on so many projects at once really
13:06 prologic haha
13:06 dotplus just a drive by link, but I think it's very relevant:
13:06 prologic I might destroy it's DO droplet
13:06 prologic and stuck on there
13:07 prologic and just use it as whatever really
13:07 prologic I have a dedi server at codero but planning to retire that
13:07 prologic so will just run things out of DO :)
13:08 prologic so if you're happy to repoint the domain to DO's name servers I'll chuck some stuff up for you :)
13:08 pdurbin prologic: how about a subdomain? something like or whatever
13:11 prologic apps.?
13:13 dotplus I haven't actually looked at Zed's list, but given the history of the "learn X the hard way", I'm sure there will be something of value. And it seems to dovetail nicely with the metaidea of addressbookmvc
13:14 dotplus anyway, work...
13:16 prologic memory mapped ipc between processes
13:16 prologic thoughts?
13:16 prologic separate read/write buckets (memory mapped objects)
13:16 prologic my main question is; will this be a lot faster than UNIX Sockets or Pipes?
13:17 prologic (without actually trying this out)
13:45 pdurbin dotplus: I'll look for that dovetail later. thanks
18:41 pdurbin aditsu: just use grip. it's great
18:41 pdurbin

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