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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2015-02-23

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
15:30 aditsu hi all, what are your favorite monospace fonts (for code)?
15:42 * pdurbin doesn't even know what he uses
15:42 pdurbin aditsu: I heard about what sounds like a nice font at
15:43 pdurbin this one:
15:43 aditsu pdurbin: you and your podcasts :p
15:43 pdurbin :)
15:44 aditsu different stackexchange sites seem to use different fonts
15:53 aditsu inconsolata is pretty nice
17:37 codex joined #sourcefu
18:17 sivoais hehe, I use the X11 default. Forgot what it is called. I used to use Terminus
18:18 sivoais I gave up on having that level of customisation... :-P
18:36 aditsu I want to use something in a web page.. I came up with a list of fonts, but one issue is that they have different sizes (at the same font size)
18:44 aditsu setting the line height helps somewhat
18:58 sivoais oh! like a website with terminal output?
19:02 sivoais I was able to get this working: <>
19:02 sivoais though from the reading I was doing, using line-height: 1.3 is better
19:03 sivoais ignore that if I'm totally off the mark :-P
19:16 aditsu well, not really terminal output, just code blocks
19:17 aditsu sivoais: the black area on that page has white horizontal lines through it
19:20 sivoais hmm, I guess I need to debug it with more settings. It looks fine here, but that's not enough :-P
19:21 aditsu if you want it all black, just wrap it in something with black background, instead of setting the background on each line
19:24 sivoais I see. Thanks for the tip! I'll give that try

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