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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2014-09-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
05:06 aditsu_ joined #sourcefu
06:23 aditsu joined #sourcefu
17:13 sivoais joined #sourcefu
20:14 tumdedum joined #sourcefu
20:35 aditsu joined #sourcefu
22:47 pdurbin "4Clojure is a resource to help fledgling clojurians learn the language through interactive problems"
22:47 pdurbin seems neat, via
22:48 pdurbin "because we care about beautiful code, we hack with intention"
22:50 pdurbin vim written in clojure:
23:03 semiosis code from the heart. lol
23:03 semiosis although i have to say pair programming with two keyb & two mice is pretty fun

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