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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-06-29

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:35 pdurbin sivoais: ok, finally caught up. good stuff. you've given me a lot to think about
00:36 pdurbin I do like how well JSON maps on to data structures I use. well, it maps very well on to Perl
00:36 pdurbin but I get it, that there's a point to the RDF complexity
00:36 pdurbin or whatever. I'm using RDF as a blanket term, I suppose
13:37 sandeepshetty joined #sourcefu
13:47 sandeepshetty just dropped in to say I liked the RDF as graph traversal vs using different APIs perspective that sivoais presented and thanks pdurbin for sharing it on #indiewebcamp
13:49 sandeepshetty and that I totally relate to the sourcefu guiding principles
14:45 sandeepshetty left #sourcefu
18:20 aditsu joined #sourcefu

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