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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-06-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:26 aditsu joined #sourcefu
05:37 aditsu joined #sourcefu
11:55 pdurbin huh, I've never seen this before: Screencast-O-Matic - Free online screen recorder for instant screen capture video sharing. -
11:56 pdurbin from what I can tell, one of our users used it to record this: Dataverse adding study to collection not working - YouTube -
12:23 pdurbin heh: Oh, no... the evil git merge... Merge branch 'develop' of · 09c67ac · IQSS/dvn -
12:23 pdurbin I've been advocating `git stash` lately
12:24 pdurbin basically, we all work on the same branch all the time
12:24 pdurbin so often when you `git pull` you get conflicts will files you're working on
12:24 pdurbin so
12:24 pdurbin git stash
12:24 pdurbin git pull
12:24 pdurbin git stash apply
12:24 pdurbin seems to be a pretty good workflow for us
12:25 pdurbin my only concern is if the `git stash apply` failed to apply somehow
12:25 pdurbin that is, if the work that was done is somehow trapped in the stash because it won't apply cleanly or something
12:26 pdurbin so far so good though
12:26 pdurbin I might even add it to our devguide
12:52 pdurbin got some nice feedback at
21:18 pdurbin
22:09 ironcamel i think git stash apply will apply the changes and you have to resolve the conflicts
22:11 ironcamel pdurbin: went to my first yapc, even got a picture with larry wall :)
22:24 pdurbin ironcamel: pics or it didn't happen
22:24 pdurbin ironcamel: good to know. guess I haven't had conflicts yet
22:25 pdurbin just seems like the easiest way to avoid a merge commit
22:25 pdurbin although I guess I could rebase
22:25 ironcamel yep
22:25 pdurbin I'm just trying to think of the easiest thing to teach people on my team
22:25 pdurbin git stash seems to make sense to people
22:26 ironcamel i use it a lot
22:26 ironcamel mainly when i'm switching to someone elses branch and i am not ready to commit my changes yet
22:27 ironcamel git stash; git co newbranch; do stuff; git co firstbranch; git stash pop; continue as if nothing happened
22:27 ironcamel the nice thing about bzr is that each branch was in its own folder
22:27 ironcamel so i did not run into that problem
22:31 pdurbin cool. yeah, I'm doing something similar
22:55 ironcamel pdurbin: here is proof
23:31 pdurbin nice

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