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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-05-16

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
13:42 codex pdurbin: can you send me the CSS diff please
13:42 codex i am going to reset irclogbot
13:42 codex i want to put a whole bunch of improvements
13:44 pdurbin codex: [css] class hidden · b5f8b8f · moritz/ilbot -
13:46 codex thanks
13:48 codex hmm, added, still nothing
13:49 irclogbot_sc joined #sourcefu
13:49 codex ah weird, and now it works
13:49 pdurbin yes it did. all fixed
13:49 codex i swear my browser deep-caches things
13:49 codex oh nice, that's an awesome feature
13:52 pdurbin sure is. oh. some related administrivia for this channel... I'm no longer hiding joins as mentioned at because of this new feature
20:51 philbot joined #sourcefu
20:51 Topic for #sourcefu is now | logs at
22:23 * pdurbin tries to explain linking:

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