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IRC log for #sourcefu, 2013-04-08

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
02:14 pdurbin you all remember spilth. he released a game:
02:14 pdurbin see also his post about it:
02:23 pdurbin sounds like his code is based on
06:59 crimsonfubot` joined #sourcefu
11:25 rruma1 joined #sourcefu
12:22 pdurbin any pythonistas around?
12:30 pdurbin I converted a script from perl to python but I fear it's not pythonic enough
12:30 pdurbin I never worry about this with perl. I feel more free to express myself :)
12:47 aditsu pdurbin: I'm not really a pythonista but I could take a look
12:50 pdurbin aditsu: here you go:
12:51 pdurbin I figured if it's in Python it'll "just work" for more people. batteries included and all that
12:51 pdurbin "old batteries included" I've heard people joke :)
12:53 aditsu old batteries?
12:53 pdurbin not the latest modules
12:53 pdurbin old modules people don't want to use anymore
12:54 aditsu anyway, lgtm; about the KeyError stuff, depending on how you expect to get the error, you might be able to use get instead
12:54 pdurbin get is more pythonic?
12:55 aditsu I'm not sure, but I think it's simpler
12:55 aditsu but since you have 2 [] accesses, I'm not sure if it's worth changing
12:56 pdurbin I don't mind changing it to be the "right" way
12:56 pdurbin "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it"
12:57 pdurbin -- PEP 20 -- The Zen of Python -
12:57 aditsu I'm not an authority on that; it doesn't look broken to me, so no need to fix it :)
12:57 pdurbin :)
12:58 aditsu also for the long print, you could consider using % (python's printf), depending on your preference
12:59 pdurbin right, the "string-formatting operator"
12:59 aditsu uh... apparently that's being deprecated in favor of str.format()
13:00 pdurbin huh
13:02 aditsu hey, do you know any nice clock program with multiple features? (alarms, timer, chrono, resizable, different designs)
13:04 pdurbin for linux?
13:04 aditsu yes or portable
13:05 pdurbin not really. you might want to ask in #crimsonfu or #linuxvillage
13:05 aditsu well, I'm actually writing one :)
13:06 pdurbin nice. and it's portable?
13:06 aditsu I'm writing it in java
13:06 aditsu with no OS-specific stuff
13:08 pdurbin cool. what's the state of java on the desktop these days? on mac os x mountain lion java was not installed by default. same with windows and linux, I think. users have to install java themselves, right?
13:08 aditsu yeah I think so..
13:09 aditsu most moderately-savvy users probably have it already, but "dumb users" may not
13:10 aditsu oh, and a few savvy users refuse to install java
13:10 pdurbin I dunno, the savvy users might be installing Java... after all the recent vulnerabilities
13:10 pdurbin er, might be uninstalling Java, I meant to say
13:12 aditsu unfortunately the press reports generally don't make any distinction between java (the jre/jdk) and the java plugin
13:12 pdurbin yeah
13:14 aditsu I don't know how many reacted to those news (and how they reacted), I did nothing :)
13:14 pdurbin I kinda need Java installed to write Java :)
13:15 aditsu the fact that I'm still using java 6 is mitigating many of those vulnerabilities too
13:16 pdurbin heh. me too
14:02 aditsu pdurbin: version 0.1: :)
14:28 pdurbin aditsu: very nice
14:28 pdurbin web start? who uses web start?
14:30 aditsu I do
14:33 pdurbin if in more pythonic than except KeyError · 4222c0f · pdurbin/scripts -
14:33 pdurbin (or so I'm told)
14:34 aditsu um, ok :)
16:14 atz joined #sourcefu

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