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IRC log for #rest, 2017-07-07

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:54 tbsf joined #rest
07:25 interop_madness joined #rest
07:25 interop_madness joined #rest
08:20 Haudegen joined #rest
10:00 ironChicken joined #rest
13:06 vanHoesel joined #rest
13:15 Haudegen joined #rest
14:13 wsiqueir joined #rest
14:30 tbsf joined #rest
15:48 shoobie left #rest
16:11 tbsf joined #rest
16:12 wsieroci joined #rest
17:10 Haudegen joined #rest
17:22 wsieroci joined #rest
17:31 drcode joined #rest
18:39 Smak joined #rest
18:59 Smak So I am trying to understand REST. Does not one machine need to know that GET POST DELETE etc exists on the other machine and what they are labeled? Like could FETCH be the same as GET on another machine. And semi-colons be used instead of carriage returns for end of command string identifiers?
20:02 tbsf joined #rest
20:03 tbsf joined #rest
20:18 Haudegen joined #rest

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