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IRC log for #rest, 2017-06-24

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
03:22 AppStore pdurbin: To be honest, in my brain, I like the idea of a REST interface more than an RPC style one. But gRPC feels like a lot less effort.
05:23 Coldblackice_ joined #rest
06:11 wsieroci joined #rest
06:30 wsieroci joined #rest
06:39 wsieroci joined #rest
07:53 wsieroci joined #rest
09:07 Haudegen joined #rest
09:14 wsieroci joined #rest
09:45 wsieroci joined #rest
10:44 pdurbin AppStore: almost nobody does actual REST anyway. If you let people use JSON that will probably be enough.
10:52 shoobie joined #rest
10:52 shoobie joined #rest
12:40 wsieroci joined #rest
17:21 wsieroci joined #rest
17:22 drcode joined #rest
17:37 drcode joined #rest
17:50 drcode joined #rest
18:44 drcode joined #rest
19:10 Haudegen joined #rest
20:55 shoobie joined #rest
23:11 drcode joined #rest
23:57 Haudegen joined #rest

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