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IRC log for #rest, 2016-06-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:52 jeffery joined #rest
02:16 tbsf joined #rest
02:31 tbsf joined #rest
02:32 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
02:35 tbsf joined #rest
06:12 wsieroci joined #rest
06:56 dEPy joined #rest
07:05 dEPy joined #rest
08:06 interop_madness joined #rest
08:14 graste joined #rest
08:56 _ollie joined #rest
10:37 philbot joined #rest
10:37 Topic for #rest is now #rest REpresentational State Transfer | logs: | | |
10:38 pdurbin joined #rest
12:55 linux_dr joined #rest
13:12 tbsf joined #rest
13:31 tbsf joined #rest
13:55 linux_dr joined #rest
13:55 tbsf joined #rest
14:17 daxim joined #rest
15:20 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
15:33 tbsf joined #rest
15:36 tbsf joined #rest
15:45 wsieroci joined #rest
16:14 whartung joined #rest
16:51 Coldblackice joined #rest
17:14 ShekharReddy joined #rest
17:14 ShekharReddy hello everyone any best practices for architeture design of rest
17:15 ShekharReddy can i get them in the form of any links or doc or git repo etc..
17:20 whartung REST is an architecture in itself. The Application drives the details, so depends on teh app.
17:54 cvander joined #rest
17:55 cvander joined #rest
17:57 cvander- joined #rest
17:58 cvander joined #rest
17:59 cvander- joined #rest
18:00 cvander joined #rest
18:01 cvander joined #rest
18:02 cvander joined #rest
18:03 cvander joined #rest
18:05 cvander- joined #rest
20:43 _ollie joined #rest
21:28 cvander joined #rest
21:32 cvander- joined #rest
21:35 cvander joined #rest
21:49 tbsf joined #rest
23:08 `0660_ joined #rest
23:10 blongden_ joined #rest
23:11 benaiah` joined #rest
23:11 Earl joined #rest
23:19 spaceone joined #rest

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