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IRC log for #rest, 2016-04-13

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:00 quimrstorres joined #rest
00:11 huckleberry78 joined #rest
01:12 quimrstorres joined #rest
02:14 quimrstorres joined #rest
04:06 tbsf joined #rest
04:15 quimrstorres joined #rest
04:50 _ollie joined #rest
05:16 quimrstorres joined #rest
05:38 wsieroci joined #rest
05:55 Macaveli joined #rest
06:00 huckleberry78 joined #rest
06:02 hucklebe_ joined #rest
06:04 huckleberry78 joined #rest
06:06 huckleberry78 joined #rest
06:08 huckleberry78 joined #rest
06:10 huckleberry78 joined #rest
06:28 _ollie joined #rest
06:38 _ollie joined #rest
07:17 quimrst__ joined #rest
08:01 DracoBlue joined #rest
08:06 adsc joined #rest
08:08 adsc I have a conceptual problem. How do you map inheritance to resources? E.g. I have a super type A, and three types that derive from it. Do I make a resource for each type? If not, how do I document the different return types?
08:09 trygvis externally I wouldn't use subtypes at all
08:10 trygvis what I often do is day that certain fields have are available if state=foo or certain flags are set
08:13 adsc what do you use for documentation generation that supports this?
08:14 adsc I have seen that swagger supports inheritance with the allof tag
08:15 trygvis I write the documentation by hand
08:18 quimrsto_ joined #rest
08:19 adsc and how do you deliver it to the clients?
08:19 leo2007 joined #rest
08:20 trygvis html, it is deployed as a part of our application
08:20 adsc hmmm
08:21 leo2007 Is it REST using 'POST /cart' to create a new item in the cart?
08:22 adsc the thing is, some of the documentation generators are really nice, they not only generate a nice html documentation for you, but they also include a test client, and some even generate API-connector libraries in various programming languages for potential clients
08:24 trygvis yeah, I know. I find those a very nice way of making a nice RPC interface and a very bad RESTful interface
08:25 adsc the connector libraries?
08:28 trygvis the documentation and client generators
08:29 adsc I can understand your argument concerning the client generators, but what is there RPC about auto generated html doc and test clients?
08:29 adsc the test client is just a form that lets you make a request and see the response live in the doc
08:32 trygvis I didn't deliver any arguments, just a statement :)
08:34 trygvis the embedded test clients is not a problem. I haven't found them very useful myself (like, they almost never support authentication so instant fail), but they can work
08:35 trygvis we embed the HAL browser in our app, but that is also just vaguely useful. but authentication work as you're already authenticated when you get the browser
08:36 adsc I'm really just looking for a way to have an online documentation that doesn't require me to manage a detached code base
08:36 adsc because I know that if the documentation is detached from the code, it will not be kept up to date
08:36 trygvis yeah. which is why we have the documentation in our codebase
08:37 adsc trygvis: so you wrote your own doc parser?
08:37 trygvis doc parser?
08:38 trygvis our api isn't very big so it is all hand written, but we could generate the documentation from our code if we wanted to
08:39 adsc you just said your doc is in the codebase...if you mean the same git repo, then it's not enough for has to be in the code itself, or people will change the code and neglect the doc
08:39 trygvis right, that is not a problem for us
08:40 trygvis I don't see how you're going to make that work in a useful way anyhow, there is so much more needed than just documentation of just the resources
08:41 trygvis the resources itself is often quite obvious how to use, the interaction between the resources and how you manipulate them is often more complicated and hard to generate from just code
08:43 adsc I don't want to generate the API, just the doc
08:43 trygvis that is what I meant, generate the doc
08:43 adsc I already have an API that's in production, and it's also manually documented, and its documentation is never up to date
08:44 adsc developers are just too lazy to maintain documentation that's separate from the code
08:44 trygvis this is our api: it is a 639 line markdown document, a liberal count of lines that could be generated says that 27% of that can be generated from code
09:36 trygvis adsc: I see your point, but you're going to have a way to document stuff that you just can't put in code
09:37 trygvis I find that developers don't have a problem updating the docs as long as it is easy, at least not if you do code review
09:37 trygvis but people are different :)
09:40 locks_ joined #rest
09:43 searchbot` joined #rest
09:45 trygvis_ joined #rest
09:48 leo2007 joined #rest
09:56 saml joined #rest
10:20 quimrsto_ joined #rest
10:33 rm- joined #rest
11:03 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:36 whartung_ joined #rest
11:37 anth0ny_ joined #rest
12:21 tbsf joined #rest
12:35 leo2007 left #rest
13:05 interop_madness joined #rest
13:32 DracoBlue joined #rest
13:37 Haudegen_ joined #rest
13:46 saml joined #rest
14:02 Macaveli joined #rest
14:21 tbsf joined #rest
14:21 tbsf_ joined #rest
15:15 eschmidbauer__ joined #rest
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15:34 Devastator_ joined #rest
15:34 Devastator_ joined #rest
15:40 fumanchu joined #rest
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15:46 quimrstorres joined #rest
15:58 bigbluehat joined #rest
16:33 DracoBlue joined #rest
16:49 DracoBlue joined #rest
17:00 Macaveli joined #rest
17:17 quimrstorres joined #rest
17:18 fumanchu_ joined #rest
17:27 DracoBlue joined #rest
17:48 wsieroci joined #rest
18:11 _ollie joined #rest
18:38 wsieroci_ joined #rest
18:50 fumanchu joined #rest
18:56 wsieroci joined #rest
19:23 DracoBlue joined #rest
20:29 philbot joined #rest
20:29 Topic for #rest is now #rest REpresentational State Transfer | logs: | | |
20:41 arcsky_ joined #rest
20:41 zama_ joined #rest
20:42 riddle joined #rest
20:42 sulky__ joined #rest
20:42 `0660_ joined #rest
20:47 Davey joined #rest
20:47 Davey joined #rest
20:51 zama_ joined #rest
20:53 saml joined #rest
21:43 riddle joined #rest
21:53 quimrstorres joined #rest
23:56 quimrstorres joined #rest

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