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IRC log for #rest, 2015-07-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:01 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
01:07 Coldblackice joined #rest
01:23 fenjamin_ joined #rest
01:42 warehouse13 joined #rest
01:58 foist joined #rest
01:58 fenjamin joined #rest
02:26 philbot joined #rest
02:26 Topic for #rest is now #rest REpresentational State Transfer | logs: | | |
02:53 wsiqueir joined #rest
03:17 fenjamin joined #rest
03:25 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
03:37 fenjamin joined #rest
04:25 metasansana joined #rest
04:33 fuzzyhor_ joined #rest
04:51 fenjamin joined #rest
06:24 _ollie joined #rest
06:56 FreezingDroid joined #rest
07:13 rosstuck joined #rest
07:45 graste joined #rest
08:07 quimrstorres joined #rest
08:16 baweaver joined #rest
08:41 baweaver joined #rest
08:45 fsvehla joined #rest
09:25 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:58 eschmidbauer joined #rest
11:59 eschmidbauer left #rest
12:11 philbot joined #rest
12:11 Topic for #rest is now #rest REpresentational State Transfer | logs: | | |
12:28 interop_madness joined #rest
12:49 quimrstorres joined #rest
13:33 quimrstorres joined #rest
13:36 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
13:36 nkoza joined #rest
13:53 nkoza joined #rest
13:56 wsiqueir joined #rest
13:56 wsiqueir joined #rest
13:58 quimrstorres joined #rest
14:14 fumanchu joined #rest
14:40 fenjamin joined #rest
15:34 baweaver joined #rest
16:00 quimrstorres joined #rest
16:20 quimrstorres joined #rest
16:45 blahdeblah_ joined #rest
16:56 Jarda joined #rest
17:14 fenjamin joined #rest
17:37 pokEarl So I am making a rest API which gets stuff from mongoDB, doing it in Java. Is there any reason why its not good to add data to the objects after the data has been pulled from the database? (say like the href's)?
17:38 pdurbin pokEarl: nope. go for it
17:39 quimrstorres joined #rest
17:39 whartung sounds good to me
17:43 pokEarl When people pull stuff from Json they generally state what fields they are pulling to where right, and additional fields just get ignored right? so it's not like this will cause other people to have to do extra work of removing the href fields if they are doing something where that doesn't belong?
17:44 whartung typically it's lazy like that.
17:45 whartung cheap "duck typing"
17:49 fumanchu that's a great way to make an evolvable system. just be really clear with your clients that they must ignore any json members they don't understand
17:50 fumanchu most programmers in my experience will default to choking on members they don't expect (strange but true)
17:51 whartung yea, it depends on whether they are "pushing everything" from the payload, vs "pulling what they know" from it.
18:01 pokEarl Well it is going to be used internally so I guess communicating how to use it should be ok. ( Any reason making a REST api for interntal use is not a good idea? =p  ?)  Basically it is to have a layer between the different databases, a web dashboard, and some other systems. Sort of feel like most of what I see about rest API's is for people giving the public access to their api
18:03 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
18:16 fumanchu an internal REST API can be a great way to align various parts of an enterprise on a common data standard
18:16 fumanchu (and control shared-DB efficiency in one place)
18:36 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
18:36 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
18:37 quimrstorres joined #rest
18:40 foist joined #rest
20:54 quimrstorres joined #rest
21:20 fuzzy_horns joined #rest
22:42 wsiqueir joined #rest
23:24 Coldblackice joined #rest

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