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IRC log for #rest, 2015-05-19

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:38 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
01:20 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
02:11 fumanchu_ joined #rest
03:28 baweaver joined #rest
03:34 fuzzyhorns joined #rest
03:44 alxbl joined #rest
05:27 mamund trygvis: do you still maintain the Cj explorer?
05:27 mamund also, is there a direct call to the API _behind_ that explorer?
05:53 _ollie joined #rest
06:11 adaro joined #rest
06:28 trygvis mamund: nah, haven't done anything in a long time
06:28 trygvis it should be accessible, I think the URL is on the page somewhere
06:30 trygvis
06:30 trygvis there's also this:
06:41 adaro joined #rest
06:48 Left_Turn joined #rest
07:08 azr joined #rest
07:14 adaro joined #rest
07:33 interop_madness joined #rest
07:46 rosstuck joined #rest
08:07 graste joined #rest
08:55 quimrstorres joined #rest
09:02 quimrstorres joined #rest
09:09 mezod joined #rest
09:53 quimrstorres joined #rest
09:56 angular_mike_ joined #rest
10:37 mezod joined #rest
10:42 pdurbin good stuff
10:43 trygvis hamnis wrote a new version in scala, but I want to rewrite it to be mostly angular :)
10:44 pdurbin what's the one I was looking at written in?
10:47 trygvis nodejs
10:47 trygvis and bootstrap's jquery stuff
10:48 pdurbin ah
10:51 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:31 vanHoesel joined #rest
12:15 vanHoesel joined #rest
12:26 nkoza joined #rest
12:30 nkoza joined #rest
13:15 quimrstorres joined #rest
13:34 baweaver joined #rest
13:36 quimrstorres joined #rest
13:58 locks left #rest
13:58 locks joined #rest
14:04 mezod joined #rest
14:58 rosstuck joined #rest
15:01 angular_mike_ joined #rest
16:06 sfisque joined #rest
16:09 Andre-B joined #rest
17:02 Andre-B joined #rest
17:06 quimrstorres joined #rest
17:33 _ollie joined #rest
17:55 _ollie joined #rest
18:36 mamund trygvis: sorry i missed you again.
18:37 trygvis hey
18:37 mamund o/
18:37 trygvis \o
18:38 mamund so the "employee" endpoiunt offers up Cj if you pass the media type id, right?
18:39 trygvis yeah, IIRC it only does html and cj
18:39 mamund cool. now that i've released my stand-along client. i am on the hunt for Cj servers ;)
18:40 mamund hope things are going well for you. any chance you'll be a RESTFEst this year?
18:43 * mamund is checking out cameron's browser, too.
18:43 sfisque searchbot google cj
18:43 searchbot sfisque: CJ Affiliate by Conversant (formerly Commission Junction): <>; Publisher | CJ Affiliate by Conversant (formerly Commission Junction): <>; Free Publisher Sign-up - Commission Junction: <>; Topeka Capital-Journal: <>; CJ Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (1 more message)
18:44 sfisque what is Cj?
18:44 sfisque searchbot google Cj rest
18:44 searchbot sfisque: Web Services: <>; Rest in peace, my nigga CJ Mack. Rest in peace, my nigga ... - Genius: <>; CJ API Product Catalog Search Service using REST - Digital Point ...: (3 more messages)
18:44 trygvis collection+json
18:44 sfisque ah gotcha
18:44 trygvis I'd recommend using the http interface to google, it's quite useful :)
18:45 whartung "rest in peace my nigga"…very nice. Good bot.
18:45 trygvis mamund: not if I want to be realistic :)
18:45 mamund booo
18:45 mamund ;)
18:45 sfisque trygvis google has a http interface?
18:45 trygvis I've started in a small startup, don't spend too much time with REST these days
18:46 whartung bakery trygvis ?
18:46 trygvis sfisque: yeah, try this: telnet http
18:46 mamund trygvis: if you're doing Web and/or APIs, you should be at RESTFest
18:46 sfisque trygvis: what is telnet?
18:46 mamund same for everyone here, of course!
18:46 whartung sfisque: insecure
18:46 whartung :)
18:47 * sfisque whacks whartung with a herring
18:47 trygvis try this then: openssl s_client -connect
18:47 sfisque openssl… never heard of it
18:47 sfisque is this some kind of hacking stuff?
18:49 whartung sfisque: openssl -- it's insecure too :)
18:51 sfisque h4x!  dark magicks, i say...
18:51 * sfisque does a voodoo hand sign for protection
19:02 ralphschindler joined #rest
19:20 fuzzyhorns1 joined #rest
20:20 sfisque joined #rest
20:23 sfisque1 joined #rest
20:29 vanHoesel joined #rest
20:33 vanHoese_ joined #rest
21:20 sfisque joined #rest
21:23 mamund trygvis: you still here?
21:24 mamund the service doesn't have CORS "opened up" and that prevents any remote browser-based client from accessing the data.  any chance you could tweak that service to fix this?

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