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IRC log for #rest, 2015-03-20

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:29 fumanchu_ joined #rest
01:38 TeddyMurray joined #rest
01:54 shrink0r joined #rest
02:37 pdurbin it's interesting
02:48 talios joined #rest
02:50 talios joined #rest
03:10 lemur joined #rest
04:04 shrink0r joined #rest
05:10 tr3online joined #rest
06:39 _ollie joined #rest
07:40 adaro joined #rest
07:48 dEPy joined #rest
08:12 TeddyMurray joined #rest
08:47 azr joined #rest
10:38 shrink0r joined #rest
10:47 Left_Turn joined #rest
10:51 zw joined #rest
10:51 zw Hi
10:51 zw Small question, does anyone know a good tool (macos) to test/talk to rest API's ?
10:52 pdurbin zw: I use this one: rest-assured - Java DSL for easy testing of REST services - Google Project Hosting -
10:52 zw Ok thank you
10:53 pdurbin if you just want to talk (not test) you could use the "requests" package and
10:54 zw K, thanks for the tip !
10:55 azer_ joined #rest
11:01 trygvis pdurbin: hm, rest-assured seems useful
11:11 pdurbin I like it. I use it at
11:13 azer_ joined #rest
11:14 pdurbin yesterday I got the impression that can be used for REST APIs:
11:15 trygvis but it would be nice with something that understands your media type
11:16 pdurbin couldn't hurt
11:17 vanHoesel joined #rest
11:55 Doc-Sain1ly joined #rest
11:56 Doc-Sain1ly If a REST service is protected, is it common practice to force the user to log in before giving access to the API, or do the API calls forward to the login somehow?
11:57 trygvis that would be specified by the REST application
11:58 trygvis but normally you'd use the standard HTTP codes to indicate the result to the client
11:58 trygvis a 403 can include an authentication form
12:09 pdurbin Doc-Sain1ly: related:
12:16 Doc-Sain1ly pdurbin: I don't quite follow. These are basically the same arguments I'm having with myself
12:16 Doc-Sain1ly So yea, I could just pass the user/pass in plaintext via SSL each time, but that doesn't work well with 3rd party providers
12:16 pdurbin yeah. comes up from time to time
12:16 Doc-Sain1ly so we're down to using a token.
12:17 Doc-Sain1ly so this token, do I ignore everything until they do myrest/login/ and post their token, or do I do something more helpful with all the REST calls (i.e. forward to the auth page)
12:19 pdurbin right now we return the token when you create an account. would be good to validate their email first
12:19 Doc-Sain1ly agreed. I'm sort of ignoring the registering part though.
12:20 Doc-Sain1ly I'm assuming they already have an account, and now they need to log in to the service.
12:20 pdurbin ah. ok
12:21 Doc-Sain1ly so, I'm curious how poeple "get them logged in"
12:22 pdurbin the normal way
12:22 Doc-Sain1ly mm, I think it's starting to come together. So no matter what, we would pass the token to the REST service each time - yes?
12:22 pdurbin yeah
12:22 Doc-Sain1ly so it's not really the concern of the REST service how the user/client gets the token
12:23 Doc-Sain1ly and you avoid the session/cookie by hanging on to that token on the client side until it expires (which the rest service would notify you of)
12:23 pdurbin again, we return the token at registration (possible via the API). maybe we shouldn't
12:24 Doc-Sain1ly but aside from regisration - once they login from another device, they'll need to get the token again
12:24 pdurbin sure will
12:24 trygvis why can't you use the username/password on every request?
12:25 pdurbin and 44c3582d-1bae-4421-a01d-b3a27eaed254 or whatever is a lot to type on a phone :)
12:25 Doc-Sain1ly trygvis: if I want to support google login or something, I can't exactly do that.
12:25 pdurbin trygvis: you could. but look out for firesheep. use https :)
12:25 Doc-Sain1ly It's slowly... slowly coming together
12:26 Doc-Sain1ly so, when I'm making a REST service (in any language) the logic code of the specific call doesn't handle the authentication, the framework around it does
12:26 Doc-Sain1ly and it will be looking in the headers for the token or whichever authentication method has been implemented
12:28 pdurbin assuming you're using a framework
12:28 trygvis right, that kind of third party
12:29 trygvis then you'll probably have to hard-code something for every identity partner, like you have in an html app
12:30 trygvis we did that for our android and ios app
12:30 trygvis on android you can integrate with the build-in accounts stuff so we could get some google token from android directly
12:30 pdurbin trygvis: so on android people log into your app via their google account?
12:35 Doc-Sain1ly I'm playing in the .NET WebApi2 environment
12:35 interop_madness joined #rest
12:37 pdurbin sounds like a framework
12:38 Doc-Sain1ly indeed.
12:38 trygvis pdurbin: yes, via the only you already have registered on your phone
12:38 Doc-Sain1ly I think the problem is a lot of the articles I read assume a certain level of knowledge on each of these topics
12:39 pdurbin trygvis: or one of the multiple google accounts some people (like me) have on their phones, presumably
12:39 trygvis the selector is built IIRC in so I think we just ask the phone for "an account"
12:40 pdurbin makes sense
12:40 pdurbin trygvis: I'd like to add this to ... the ability to log in to our app via the API using one's Google account. Any pointers? Is this all with OAuth?
12:42 pdurbin right now that Android app doesn't log in... it only uses a public Search API
12:44 pdurbin Doc-Sain1ly: that's what this channel is for :)
12:47 Doc-Sain1ly I'll be spending some time here then :D
12:47 Doc-Sain1ly Is it acceptable to ask specific questions and post source code?
12:48 Doc-Sain1ly I understand it's not a .net support channel, but it's often the theory behind it I'm unsure of
12:48 pdurbin sure. I like or
12:51 Doc-Sain1ly Cool. Well, thanks so much for the help so far. Need to let my brain unwind a bit and then I'll take another crack at it
12:52 trygvis pdurbin: ask me next week and I can try to give you some source code
12:52 trygvis our app is closed source for now
12:52 pdurbin trygvis: pull requests welcome! ;)
12:52 pdurbin I'll ask next week. Thanks.
14:23 mezod joined #rest
14:52 jackalista joined #rest
14:57 mgomezch joined #rest
15:01 mgomezch_ joined #rest
15:31 tr3online joined #rest
16:03 fumanchu joined #rest
16:45 _ollie joined #rest
16:45 lemur joined #rest
17:16 adaro joined #rest
17:28 jcromartie joined #rest
17:37 shrink0r joined #rest
18:21 begriffs joined #rest
18:46 whartung joined #rest
18:52 Doc-Saintly joined #rest
18:54 vanHoesel joined #rest
19:04 hackel joined #rest
19:39 shrink0r joined #rest
19:46 jcromartie joined #rest
19:50 Doc-Saintly joined #rest
19:51 bigbluehat joined #rest
20:10 ekroon joined #rest
20:16 imanc_ joined #rest
20:55 ramsey bigbluehat: Not sure if you saw my PMs, so poking you here to let you know I sent you PMs. :-)
20:57 jaawerth left #rest
22:26 jcromartie joined #rest
23:38 fumanchu_ joined #rest

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