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IRC log for #rest, 2014-12-03

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:02 shrink0r_ joined #rest
00:15 jackalista we were curious about the jersey 2 project, based on the success of jersey 1, but the project appears... not so healthy, bug fixes taking a long time, not much activity, etc.
00:15 jackalista any intel on that project?  is oracle not supporting it properly?
00:16 jackalista there's even a thread in the users mailing list asking if the project is dead.
00:16 jackalista curious what people are using
00:16 jackalista we are thinking about spring
00:19 whartung the life of Jersey 2 is likely directly tied to the health of the JAX-RS spec, since it's the reference implementation.
00:20 whartung Oracle seems to be dialing back support of OSS projects. My perception is their doing minimum staffing, and mimimum effort.
00:20 whartung that's just my opionion
00:28 introspectr3 joined #rest
00:29 introspectr3 Say I have a method that performs an action (vs fetching data), but does not use any post data
00:29 introspectr3 should that be GET? or POST?
00:30 introspectr3 (i realize it'll work either way, but best practices)
00:30 whartung POST
00:30 introspectr3 so whartung, get for retrieving, post for actions?
00:30 whartung yes
00:30 introspectr3 thank you.
00:30 whartung the key point
00:30 whartung is that GET is Idempotent -- i.e. it doesn't change things
00:30 whartung you can GET all day long and "nothing changes"
00:30 whartung POST doesn't have that limitation
00:31 whartung if you POST over and over, who know what may happen
00:31 whartung see that?
00:31 introspectr3 yes i do, much clearer now
00:32 introspectr3 appreciated!
00:36 whartung yw
00:59 shrink0r joined #rest
01:03 shrink0r_ joined #rest
01:04 shrink0r joined #rest
01:53 shrink0r_ joined #rest
02:08 shrink0r joined #rest
02:10 shrink0r_ joined #rest
02:35 shrink0r joined #rest
02:36 shrink0r_ joined #rest
02:40 pdurbin is Jersey 2 simply... done? feature complete for the current JAX-RS spec?
02:49 lemur joined #rest
02:50 rue joined #rest
02:53 shrink0r joined #rest
03:07 pdurbin ah, here's the thread: [Jersey] Is this project dead?
03:07 pezra joined #rest
03:07 pdurbin I dunno... a lot of other activity on that list too. A fair amount anyway.
03:19 shrink0r_ joined #rest
03:20 shrink0r joined #rest
03:34 lemur joined #rest
03:37 tr3onlin_ joined #rest
04:01 shrink0r_ joined #rest
04:03 shrink0r joined #rest
04:28 tr3online joined #rest
04:54 lemur joined #rest
05:28 shrink0r_ joined #rest
06:00 shrink0r joined #rest
06:02 shrink0r_ joined #rest
06:03 shrink0r joined #rest
06:45 rue_XIV joined #rest
06:48 _ollie joined #rest
07:20 codeisgreat joined #rest
07:21 trygvis pdurbin: hm, that kinds sucks
07:22 trygvis but, I'm not sure if it is really important for people not using jee. there are many similar and useful frameworks like it
07:46 hkais joined #rest
07:53 tr3online joined #rest
08:01 tr3online joined #rest
08:01 rosstuck joined #rest
08:01 shrink0r joined #rest
08:03 tr3online joined #rest
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08:26 interop_madness joined #rest
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08:32 hkais joined #rest
08:44 fumanchu_ joined #rest
08:46 shrink0r joined #rest
08:50 tr3online joined #rest
08:53 lemur joined #rest
08:54 Andre-B joined #rest
09:18 _ollie joined #rest
09:27 quimrstorres joined #rest
09:34 _ollie joined #rest
09:38 martinfilliau joined #rest
10:00 martinfi_ joined #rest
10:00 Left_Turn joined #rest
10:12 hkais joined #rest
10:15 _ollie joined #rest
10:25 marcoslamuria joined #rest
10:28 fumanchu joined #rest
10:34 _ollie joined #rest
10:34 marcoslamuria joined #rest
10:44 Andre-B_ joined #rest
10:51 marcoslamuria joined #rest
10:55 Left_Turn joined #rest
11:04 martinfilliau joined #rest
11:06 quimrstorres joined #rest
11:17 martinfi_ joined #rest
12:11 pdurbin trygvis: have you tried ?
12:16 trygvis hm, no. haven't seen it before
12:16 trygvis we're still on spring mvc
12:16 trygvis but we really don't need the flexibility and stuff we get from either spring mvc or jax-rs
12:19 trygvis looks sort of neat, at least for our angular apps
12:42 _ollie trygvis: what was the original question?
13:02 graste joined #rest
13:35 trygvis 13:11 < pdurbin> trygvis: have you tried ?
13:37 _ollie joined #rest
13:41 nkoza joined #rest
14:26 wooz86 joined #rest
14:28 wooz86 left #rest
14:40 quimrstorres joined #rest
15:09 mezod joined #rest
15:37 locks cute
16:07 jackalista thanks for the comments, much appreciated
16:07 jackalista re: jersey 2, et al
16:17 proteusguy joined #rest
16:33 _ollie joined #rest
16:59 pdurbin jackalista: so are you going to use jersey?
17:00 jackalista well, we did an initial implementation but had a bunch  of infra like issues with jersey 2, especially as we are primarily a spring shop, the integration with spring was problematic
17:00 jackalista we resolved it but have become a little concerned about the viaqbility of tyhe project
17:00 jackalista *viability
17:00 pdurbin I thought all these Java EE implementations are supposed to be compatible.
17:01 jackalista we may bail to spring mvc or elsewhere for java based rest
17:01 jackalista not clear yet
17:02 jackalista well, I got on the jersey 2 mailing list and it looks like oracle was specifically neglecting spring support in favor of making the stuff run on weblogic, which is a very heavyweight framework
17:03 jackalista so we had all kinds of trouble with the spring integration, which caused us to screw around with that far longer than we liked
17:03 jackalista also, it looks like the de/serialization facilities of spring mvc are superior, but I am looking into that now
17:04 jackalista we are doing residuals processing which ivolves a farily complex data model and jersey's support / use of jackson is also a pain in the ass
17:04 jackalista looks like spring's facilities are more robust, which I'm also seeking to confirm
17:05 jackalista we also need to make some changes to our domain model, etc., but don't want to screw around with infra, we have lots of biz logic to write
17:06 pdurbin jackalista: did you look at Gson?
17:06 jackalista I've used CXF way back in the past too, and never had any trouble with it, and Dave Diephouse (sp?) is spring friendly so never had these proboems wityh it
17:06 jackalista it is also jax-rs
17:07 jackalista it just looks like oracle is failing jersey 2, which is kinda sad, a few of the core dev's also left, etc.  Oracle is a long shot from Sun, esseantially, is the take I'm getting
17:08 jackalista al ittle bit, but not in depth.  are people using  GSON  more successfully with jersey 2?
17:09 pdurbin I just know we're looking into Gson
17:10 pdurbin whartung: what do you use?
17:12 jackalista thx for the comments, much appreciated!
17:14 jackalista I am looking at the link on GSON/Jackson now
17:15 jackalista spring also uses jackson, but provides a higher level abstracdtion for complex data models/domain models, it appears, while also using jackson.  I'm seeking to confirm that
17:15 jackalista pls pardon my typing
17:16 whartung we use gson mostly here pdurbin
17:17 whartung at home I've got a hacked up version of the set
17:20 pdurbin dunno what that is... " set"
17:21 hkais joined #rest
17:24 * pdurbin looks at
17:24 pdurbin whartung: what is the set?
17:25 whartung they just have a json class bundle they publish
17:25 whartung mostly for creating your own json rather than object serializtion
17:25 pdurbin this?
17:26 whartung yea
17:26 pdurbin ok, so
17:26 whartung yea
17:27 pdurbin for creating my own JSON I'm using JSR 353: Java API for JSON Processing
17:28 whartung I've not seen that before
17:28 pdurbin it's part of Java EE 7
17:28 whartung I had some specific needs, not that I can recall them right now, so it was easier to just beat on than anything else
17:39 quimrstorres joined #rest
18:07 jackalista joined #rest
18:18 Andre-B joined #rest
18:36 whartung joined #rest
19:01 tr3online joined #rest
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19:41 ph88 joined #rest
19:44 shrink0r joined #rest
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20:00 marcoslamuria joined #rest
20:29 tr3online joined #rest
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21:00 tr3onlin_ joined #rest
21:30 ph88 joined #rest
21:36 mgomezch joined #rest
21:44 marcoslamuria joined #rest
21:46 hkais1 joined #rest
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22:18 warehouse13 joined #rest
22:19 quimrstorres joined #rest
22:52 mezod joined #rest
23:48 marcoslamuria joined #rest
23:55 quimrstorres joined #rest

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