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IRC log for #rest, 2014-11-11

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:09 azr joined #rest
01:30 igitoor joined #rest
01:31 zama joined #rest
01:31 igitoor joined #rest
01:33 begriffs_ joined #rest
01:41 igitoor joined #rest
01:44 zama joined #rest
01:51 zama_ joined #rest
02:05 zama joined #rest
02:10 igitoor joined #rest
02:15 igitoor joined #rest
03:29 tr3online joined #rest
03:36 tr3onlin_ joined #rest
04:04 begriffs joined #rest
04:30 zama joined #rest
04:32 igitoor joined #rest
04:45 igitoor joined #rest
05:04 proteusguy joined #rest
05:05 begriffs joined #rest
05:34 tr3online joined #rest
06:06 begriffs joined #rest
06:06 begriffs joined #rest
07:13 ekroon_ joined #rest
07:13 rickharrison_ joined #rest
07:56 SupaHam joined #rest
08:10 azr joined #rest
08:17 daxim joined #rest
08:58 interop_madness joined #rest
09:05 graste joined #rest
09:26 proteusguy joined #rest
10:41 shrink0r joined #rest
10:42 shrink0r joined #rest
10:45 Left_Turn joined #rest
11:03 marcoslamuria joined #rest
12:11 glosoli joined #rest
12:11 glosoli left #rest
12:30 daxim joined #rest
12:58 Left_Turn joined #rest
13:54 riso joined #rest
13:55 riso is there a tool that migrates an object with x id from json a to json b?
13:57 pdurbin an example might help
14:01 riso pdurbin: just have two jsons, lets say their general structure is the same, but an internal object is in one and not in the other, I simply want to migrate it based on the id
14:02 gamache riso, I am using Scala + Play-json transformations ("coast to coast json") to do things like that
14:03 nkoza joined #rest
14:03 gamache e.g.
14:04 gamache It wouldn't be an easy thing to jump into if you don't know Scala, and even if you do, it takes a while to get used to the play-json mindset
14:50 azr joined #rest
15:30 OliverJAsh joined #rest
15:49 azr joined #rest
17:34 Andre-B joined #rest
18:27 digitalsanctum joined #rest
18:41 tr3online joined #rest
18:49 shad0w1e joined #rest
18:50 shad0w1e hey is it safe (security wise) to pass authentication information over GET or should I use POST ?
18:58 pdurbin even with POST you should use HTTPS
18:58 whartung HTTP auth header is the same for get and post
19:02 shad0w1e I am certainly using HTTPS
19:03 shad0w1e but can i send a plain-text password over GET using HTTPS? Or should I use POST?
19:03 whartung You use the Authentication header shad0w1e
19:03 shad0w1e and then its fine over GET?
19:03 whartung yes
19:04 whartung works with everything
19:04 whartung it's aheader
19:04 shad0w1e thank you
19:04 whartung you bet
19:04 whartung yw
19:06 shad0w1e like this? "Authorization: username password"
19:07 whartung put "HTTP BASIC authentication" in to you googles. That's what you want to use. You're close, but there's standards for this you should be using.
19:08 shad0w1e it's suggesting I base64 encode username:password ... but then how do I know which user it is?
19:11 whartung you decode it
19:12 shad0w1e right.. base64 can be decoded.. it's not a hash. haha thanks
19:12 whartung si
19:13 * pdurbin tries c2hhZDB3MWU= at
19:20 digitalsanctum joined #rest
19:25 digitalsanctum joined #rest
20:01 DrCode joined #rest
20:13 shrink0r joined #rest
20:33 tr3onlin_ joined #rest
20:50 adaro joined #rest
20:51 tr3online joined #rest
21:06 SupaHam joined #rest
21:08 SupaHam_ joined #rest
21:14 daxim joined #rest
21:29 daxim joined #rest
21:44 marcoslamuria joined #rest
22:07 tr3online joined #rest
22:32 tr3online joined #rest
23:57 begriffs joined #rest

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