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IRC log for #rest, 2014-11-06

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:09 marcoslamuria joined #rest
00:37 talios joined #rest
00:49 Andre-B joined #rest
01:09 marcoslamuria joined #rest
01:26 shrink0r joined #rest
02:09 rara joined #rest
02:10 Guest91165 hi, I have a web service that when I send a basic string, I get "\u0006" before the text I send. anybody knows what is that \u0006?
02:10 marcoslamuria joined #rest
02:23 talios unicode text identifer?
02:23 talios i.e. saying its UTF-8 or what not. maybe?
02:24 Guest91165 yeah but they are not sending this in the string, why does it appear
02:24 Guest91165 ?
02:24 Guest91165 talios: ^^
02:26 talios so in a tcp dump - they're not sending it?  but your code is seeing it?  is your language/platform parsing it and including that in its own representation of a String value?
02:27 talios if you tcp dump the incoming traffic - does that appear?  or only in your app ( if so - I suspect its how you language is handling strings maybe? )
02:27 Guest91165 talios: how do I tcp dump to intercept before it gets to the service?
02:28 talios what os?  use something like tcpdump, ethereal, PacketPeeper on OSX
02:28 Guest91165 windows 7
02:44 talios ethereal should work then
02:49 pdurbin talios: your nick is on ... are you the vim guy?
02:49 talios hah no - I'm the main type nazi (Mark).  Greg ( who sits ----> ) is the vim lover hater of all.
02:50 talios And that reminds me - I should edit up last weeks recording :)
02:50 pdurbin ah. right. has Greg published his vim rc files anywhere? I'm curious about the Java stuff.
02:51 talios I'll ask - he's not a sharing kind of person.  hates social networks and all that jazz .   tho uses G+.
02:53 pdurbin thanks. no biggie if he hasn't. I can probably find similar files somewhere
03:11 marcoslamuria joined #rest
03:18 tr3online joined #rest
03:44 talios doesn't sound like has anything shared no
03:46 rosstuck joined #rest
04:00 tr3online joined #rest
04:13 marcoslamuria joined #rest
05:13 fumanchu joined #rest
05:14 marcoslamuria joined #rest
05:47 shrink0r joined #rest
06:04 tr3online joined #rest
06:10 tr3online joined #rest
06:15 marcoslamuria joined #rest
06:31 fumanchu_ joined #rest
07:16 marcoslamuria joined #rest
07:17 tr3online joined #rest
07:36 shrink0r joined #rest
07:44 Andre-B joined #rest
08:16 marcoslamuria joined #rest
08:52 whartung_ joined #rest
09:02 Andre-B joined #rest
09:21 tr3online joined #rest
09:24 shrink0r joined #rest
09:36 graste joined #rest
09:56 marcoslamuria joined #rest
10:04 martinfilliau joined #rest
11:02 DrCode joined #rest
11:14 shrink0r joined #rest
11:22 tr3online joined #rest
11:27 Left_Turn joined #rest
11:32 DrCode joined #rest
11:36 DrCode joined #rest
12:19 quimrstorres joined #rest
12:36 shrink0r joined #rest
12:53 OliverJAsh joined #rest
12:54 OliverJAsh i'm designing an API and i'm not sure how to design my responses, given a variety of failures. i'm written a list of the possible failures here: can anyone recommend how I should respond to each?
12:54 OliverJAsh in that gist i have written my concerns about each.
12:56 trygvis is :feedUrl and actual URL?
12:57 OliverJAsh @trygvis yes, of course it must be URI encoded
12:58 trygvis that feels very strange, I would normally post a very small body with the URL
12:59 OliverJAsh @trygvis you're right. that's what i'm doing. getting my GET and POST requests confused!
12:59 OliverJAsh will update the gist.
13:00 OliverJAsh updated!
13:01 trygvis commented!
13:06 OliverJAsh thanks @trygvis. will have a go implementing that now.
13:07 trygvis shibby
13:07 marcoslamuria joined #rest
13:13 marcoslamuria joined #rest
13:17 OliverJAsh trygvis: for failure 3 (could not resolve host), can you give any examples of a response body? status code: 422, body: { errorKey: 'host-not-found' }
13:17 OliverJAsh failure 4: status code 422, body: { errorKey: 'bad-status-code' }
13:18 OliverJAsh failure 5: status code 422, body: { errorKey: 'not-a-feed' }
13:18 OliverJAsh failure 6: status code 422, body: { errorKey: 'invalid' }
13:21 shrink0r joined #rest
13:22 ensameta joined #rest
13:22 ensameta in a rest web service when I call it with a string before the string I get strange characters like \u0006       anybody knows why?
13:23 shrink0r_ joined #rest
13:24 tr3online joined #rest
13:28 Jarda ensameta: where does the string come from?
13:29 ensameta Jarda: they make the call from a flash application
13:29 Jarda just \u0006 or more?
13:30 ensameta yeah depending on the string it shows it sometimes twice
13:30 ensameta in the debugger also sometimes it shows as a \u0006
13:30 ensameta and sometimes as a small square
13:30 Jarda well if it just happens from the flash client, then it's something in that end
13:30 ensameta but it's like a strange character before what I send
13:31 Jarda my first initial guess was a BOM in the beginning of the string (if it would come from a text file or such) but that shouldn's how up as \u0006
13:34 ensameta sometimes it shows \u0006_
13:34 ensameta or even twice
13:34 ensameta \u0006_ \u0006:
13:35 ensameta or a small square
13:35 Jarda so is it in the request body or in the response body?
13:37 trygvis OliverJAsh: yeah, sure
13:40 ensameta it's in the request, right before the string I send
13:46 Jarda ensameta: you send?
13:46 Jarda I thought it was some flash component doing the request
13:46 ensameta Jarda: yeah some other guy sends the request from flash
13:46 ensameta but it's still a strig
13:46 ensameta string
13:46 ensameta I'll try to make the request by hand
13:47 ensameta see what happens
13:53 lemur joined #rest
13:59 marcoslamuria joined #rest
14:08 marcoslamuria joined #rest
14:15 marcoslamuria joined #rest
14:17 nkoza joined #rest
14:36 quimrstorres joined #rest
14:38 quimrstorres joined #rest
14:48 marcoslamuria joined #rest
14:51 aGHz joined #rest
15:15 fumanchu joined #rest
15:15 quimrstorres joined #rest
15:25 tr3online joined #rest
16:03 quimrstorres joined #rest
16:28 tr3online joined #rest
16:50 ralphschindler joined #rest
16:52 shrink0r joined #rest
17:23 DrCode joined #rest
17:25 DrCode joined #rest
17:32 DrCode joined #rest
17:39 DrCode joined #rest
19:09 DrCode joined #rest
19:17 DrCode joined #rest
19:20 DrCode joined #rest
19:21 lemur joined #rest
19:22 DrCode joined #rest
19:24 DrCode joined #rest
19:26 DrCode joined #rest
19:31 DrCode joined #rest
19:38 DrCode joined #rest
19:40 DrCode joined #rest
19:42 DrCode joined #rest
19:46 DrCode joined #rest
19:48 DrCode joined #rest
19:51 DrCode joined #rest
20:32 quimrstorres joined #rest
20:51 shrink0r joined #rest
20:55 marcoslamuria joined #rest
21:22 adaro joined #rest
22:35 warehouse13 joined #rest
23:03 shrink0r_ joined #rest

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