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IRC log for #rest, 2014-08-10

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:34 tr3online joined #rest
01:35 tr3online joined #rest
01:37 tr3online joined #rest
01:42 tr3online joined #rest
01:54 systmkor joined #rest
03:24 giannico83 joined #rest
03:29 giannico83 Is it reasonable to piggyback general application events on a RESTful response via custom HTTP headers? For instance, if my web app has the concept of an alert system, and I want to piggyback an alert-check=true header on responses (in order to tell the client they should check their alerts), rather than have them poll the alerts on some interval/use websockets
03:35 wilmoore joined #rest
05:09 rincewind666 joined #rest
06:33 DrCode joined #rest
06:37 rincewind666 joined #rest
06:53 _ollie joined #rest
07:25 talios joined #rest
07:32 talios joined #rest
09:05 Left_Turn joined #rest
10:52 rincewind_ joined #rest
11:15 fumanchu_ joined #rest
11:18 rosstuck joined #rest
13:15 _ollie1 joined #rest
13:28 mgomezch joined #rest
16:06 tr3online joined #rest
16:28 systmkor joined #rest
17:59 fumanchu joined #rest
18:22 Guest95741 joined #rest
19:39 Guest95741 joined #rest
20:02 talios joined #rest
20:05 igitoor joined #rest
20:15 igitoor joined #rest
20:38 tr3online joined #rest
20:47 Guest95741 joined #rest
22:47 tr3online joined #rest
23:09 tr3online joined #rest
23:49 tr3online joined #rest

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