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IRC log for #rest, 2014-06-04

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:01 maurosr joined #rest
01:03 jzsprague joined #rest
01:17 Left_Turn joined #rest
02:01 m0ltar joined #rest
03:18 m0ltar joined #rest
03:18 ldiamond joined #rest
04:16 m0ltar joined #rest
05:14 wilmoore joined #rest
05:54 _ollie joined #rest
06:12 rosstuck joined #rest
06:59 _ollie joined #rest
07:06 interop_madness joined #rest
07:58 jzsprague joined #rest
08:08 graste joined #rest
08:18 Left_Turn joined #rest
08:19 rosstuck joined #rest
09:17 _ollie joined #rest
10:30 martinfilliau joined #rest
11:29 _ollie joined #rest
11:56 rosstuck joined #rest
12:18 m0ltar joined #rest
13:04 danizord joined #rest
14:24 shrink0r joined #rest
14:36 ldiamond joined #rest
14:47 _ollie joined #rest
15:12 pdurbin if I'm going to try to adhere to a standard for building JSON APIs, should I follow or or something else?
15:25 saml pdurbin, HAL?
15:26 saml html is good
15:27 fumanchu JSend so misses the point of resource representations :/
15:33 pdurbin saml: this?
15:35 saml yes
15:35 fumanchu pdurbin: what kind of resources are you exposing?
15:35 saml and why json?
15:35 saml and why "standard" ?
15:36 saml most of "json apis" are all ad hoc.  you don't need to care for scalability of those
15:36 pdurbin saml: thanks
15:36 pdurbin fumanchu: this is what we have so far:
15:36 saml you need to write a client for twitter, g+, linkedin... all sparately anyways
15:37 pdurbin saml: I'm not sure what you mean by "why standard?" ... you see no value in following one of these standards?
15:37 saml right
15:37 pdurbin ok, maybe we won't bother ;)
15:38 saml they don't agree on anything
15:38 saml it took a long time for browser vendors to agree on html
15:38 saml just document your api well
15:38 pdurbin yeah
15:39 fumanchu are you planning to do any HTTP-level caching? I foresee problems with ?key={{executing username}}
15:40 pdurbin caching sounds like a good idea
15:41 pdurbin fumanchu: that username thing is temporary. we're working on implementing API keys
15:41 fumanchu ok good :)
15:43 saml it's wierd to use POST to get a list of dataverses
15:43 saml GET /api/dvs    with some authentication header would be better
15:43 pdurbin makes sense
15:44 saml GET /api/dvs  is a collection (returns a list of matching dvs.  you'll support various filtering ?created-before=2013  ... etc
15:44 saml POST /api/dvs  to create a new dvs.  returns 201 with Location: /api/dvs/1
15:45 saml then you GET /api/dvs/1  to read detailed inforamtion about dvs 1.   PUT, PATCH, DELETE   /api/dvs/1
15:45 pdurbin ok
15:48 pdurbin saml: can you suggest a guide for all this? just read the REST paper? :)
15:49 saml i read this  :P
15:49 saml there could be plenty of free online resources, though
15:50 saml
15:50 pdurbin we have a Safari subscription. can use that. thanks
15:51 saml  this looks good to me. but not json
15:52 saml  this is good too
15:52 saml you can apply that to your json api
15:53 pdurbin ah, I'm already familiar with AtomPub from implementing the SWORD profile
15:58 pdurbin so I'd like to include rels in a similar way
16:07 wilmoore joined #rest
16:24 ph88_ joined #rest
16:37 maurosr left #rest
17:46 whartung This is kind of hilarious
17:46 whartung
17:51 Left_Turn joined #rest
17:58 trygvis yeah, swagger is silly
18:58 seantallen joined #rest
19:02 shrink0r joined #rest
19:15 shrink0r1 joined #rest
19:24 m0ltar joined #rest
20:06 graste joined #rest
20:21 saml how do you document?
20:21 saml i want to generate documentation for API
20:22 saml i guess that depends on http libraries that i use

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