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IRC log for #openknot, 2019-11-15

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:02 pdurbin joined #openknot
01:10 pdurbin prologic: have we talked about oragono? I saw it mentioned at
01:13 englishm joined #openknot
01:33 prologic eris is based off its original code
01:33 prologic vastly improved of course
01:33 prologic so yes e have :)
06:48 prologic joined #openknot
06:48 kdb joined #openknot
07:16 prologic joined #openknot
07:16 kdb joined #openknot
11:52 pdurbin prologic: oh. I forgot. :) Does eris support IRCv3 chathistory?
11:52 prologic it supports some IRCv3 features
11:52 prologic but I don't recall implementing that one
11:53 pdurbin Ok, thanks. I didn't see it at
11:54 prologic Ahh it should probably list the ones it implements
11:54 prologic
11:55 prologic looks like I built MultiPrefix and SASL support but nothing else yet
11:55 pdurbin gotcha
11:56 prologic I'm happy to implenent more if its useful to someone :)
11:59 pdurbin Well, is sort of blocked until more servers support IRCv4 chathistory. The Lounge is a modern IRC client. I installed its predecessor, Shout, years ago for work and we use it quite heavily.
21:35 prologic I see
21:35 pdurbin Running that web based IRC client increased participation a lot.
21:36 prologic The one I like to use personally is Dispatch (writtein Go)
21:36 prologic But I've also tried  TheLounge as well in the past
21:36 prologic I would totally support and stand it up again; looks like thy've made major improvements ot it
21:37 prologic Adding chat history  support to Eris won't be too hard
21:37 pdurbin looks nice
21:37 prologic yeah I suspect it would bring more users to my own server too :)
21:37 prologic mostly family/friends (hopefully)
21:37 pdurbin Does Dispatch support emojis? The Lounge does. :)
21:37 prologic Why don't you file an issue on Eris's Github Issues tracker and cross-link to TheLounge? :)
21:38 prologic anyshould support Unicode emojis - yes :)
21:42 pdurbin sure, here you go:
21:45 prologic :D
21:45 prologic now I just have to implement it
21:45 prologic looks like its all in the BATCH command
23:10 prologic is up running The Lounge :D

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