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IRC log for #friendlyjava, 2020-05-28

##friendlyjava on freenode

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All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
01:31 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
04:12 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
04:39 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
05:02 Jantz joined ##friendlyjava
14:32 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
15:30 Jantz_ joined ##friendlyjava
16:24 mr_lou joined ##friendlyjava
17:13 enriooooooo joined ##friendlyjava
17:13 enriooooooo left ##friendlyjava
17:30 enriooooooo joined ##friendlyjava
17:30 enriooooooo hi
17:34 aditsu hi
17:48 enriooooooo How are you? aditsu
17:48 aditsu not too bad
17:53 enriooooooo hi pdurbin :) hope you are safe too :)
17:59 pdurbin safe enough
19:48 enriooooooo Do you guys use stackoverflow? aditsu pdurbin
19:49 aditsu not anymore.. well, I still find answers sometimes
19:49 pdurbin finding answers too
19:49 aditsu but don't participate anymore
19:50 pdurbin I still upvote good questions and answers.
19:51 enriooooooo Why aditsu?
19:51 enriooooooo All my google results ends up in SO.
19:51 enriooooooo and i find quite useful.
19:59 aditsu basically, because they're an evil corporation
19:59 aditsu they did lots of terrible things, but a big one is the Monica Cellio debacle
20:01 aditsu yes, the answers are useful, but the company is only trying to make money with zero regard for the people who provide the valuable content for free

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##friendlyjava on freenode